Thank you to all the pupils and parents who supported our Colour Run on Wednesday 28th June 2017 in the People’s Park. This was a joint Shared Education event with Bocombra Primary School who we have been working in partnership with now for 6 years. Approximately 300 children and their parents attended, with Nursery – Yr 2 doing 1 lap of the park, Yr3-4 doing 2 laps and Yrs 5-7 doing 3 laps. Mr Woolsey and Mr Vallelly also completed the run. Every child received a white T shirt as part of their registration pack and at the end they received a bag of coloured chalk which they threw over each other at the end creating a cloud of bright colour over the park. Everyone had a great evening of fun and all money raised from this event will go to Autism NI. See Gallery for more photos.