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Accelerated Reader

We have implemented a new reading program called Accelerated Reader for children in Key Stage 2. This program will run alongside our Guided Reading sessions and will be used to increase accuracy in reading comprehension and to promote reading for pleasure.


What is Accelerated Reader?

Accelerated Reader is a digital program designed to motivate children to read. The software allows teachers to assess current reading levels and create a personalised reading plan to support each child in the development of vital literacy skills.

Further information about Accelerated Reader was given out at parent teacher meetings as well as a letter containing the ‘Renaissance Home Connect’ web address and your child’s login details which will enable you to access our Accelerated Reader website at home.


This will allow you to:

  • View your child’s progress towards reading goals

  • View all books that your child has read and quizzes your child has taken

  • Receive emails that reveal results for Reading Practice Quizzes as and when your child completes them


You can access your child’s Accelerated Reader information at:


The average amount of reading suggested by Accelerated Reader is 25 minutes per day. Teachers will set aside 15 minutes per day for Accelerated Reader time in class and we would be grateful if parents could ensure that their children read for the remainder of that time, or more, at home.
