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Week 10

Year 4 were presented with certificates and prizes in assembly for their fantastic Anderson Shelter projects. The whole school were so impressed with the effort that had been put into the projects. Well done Year 4!

A big well done to Maria who has read 250,000 words in Accelerated Reader. This is a fantastic achievement. Keep up the wonderful reading!

Well done to the boys and girls in Year 4 who have achieved 85% or above in 10 AR quizzes. Keep up the fantastic reading!

Well done to the boys and girls in Year 4 who have reached the silver level in Mathletics. Keep up the hard work!

A big well done to all of the boys and girls in Year 4 for creating their Anderson Shelter project. They were all fantastic and we were so impressed at the effort that had gone into them. Well done Year 4!

Estimating and measuring items that are a quarter and half a metre long!

Learning about the features of non-fiction texts!

In Numeracy, we are learning how to measure in cm and m by using a metre stick.
