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40th Anniversary

In 2014 Ballyoran Primary School celebrated its 40th Anniversary Year. We celebrated this very important milestone, during the month of June, in the following ways:


1. Anniversary Magazine

The school published a Special 40th Anniversary Magazine which included work from every current pupil in the school.


2. Anniversary Concert

This took place in school on Wednesday 11th June 2014 at 7pm and included music, drama and dance from some of our pupils as well as performances from the South Ulster Community Band.  The concert was followed by refreshments and a chance to tour the school.


3. Anniversary  Pupil Fun Day/Birthday Party 

This took place in school on Friday 20th June 2014 and included:

  • Inflatables - Bouncy Castle, Obstacle Course and Slide
  • Sports
  • Puppet Show
  • Ice Cream Van
  • Chip Shop Lunch
  • Birthday Cake
  • Anniversary gift for every pupil


4. Anniversary History Booklet

Past Principals - Mr Gilpin and Miss Calvert have written a short history detailing their recollections of their time as Principal of Ballyoran Primary School.


Mr Gilpin and Miss Calvert were also our Special Guests at Prize Day on Friday 13th June 2014.


5. Anniversary Staff Meal

A meal was organised for all current and past staff of the school in a local hotel.

40th Anniversary School Magazine

Ballyoran Primary School - A Principal's Perspective by Jack Gilpin & Morva Calvert

40th Anniversary Whole School Photograph
