If a child is sick at home, we ask parents to be sensible about keeping their child away from school until they are well again. Sending pupils into school who are unwell risks spreading illnesses to other pupils and staff. If your child should contract any of the following we ask that you inform the school immediately:
§ Chickenpox
§ Measles
§ Scarlet Fever
§ Whooping Cough
§ Mumps
§ Slapped Cheek
When a child is sick or injured, the school will in the first case, attempt to contact the parent with a view to asking them to come to school to collect the child. If this is not possible in the case of injury then the child will be taken to the local Health Centre or to hospital. In all cases, it will be the School Policy to act in the best interests of the child.
Please refer to the document underneath which gives guidance to parents on how long pupils should be kept at home when they have certain illnesses which may be contagious in school.