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Safeguarding Children

Reporting a Concern - Nursery


I have a concern about my/a child’s safety


I can talk to the class teacher


If I am still concerned, I can talk to the Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection for the Nursery – Mrs Mulholland


In the absence of Mrs Mulholland, I can talk to the Designated Teacher for Child Protection for the Primary School – Mrs McGuire, the Deputy Designated Teacher Mrs Heaney or the Principal, Mr Woolsey


If I am still concerned, I can talk/write to the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr Fleming (through the school)


At any time a parent can talk to a Social Worker at the Gateway Team


Tel: 0800 7837745 (Free Phone from a Landline)


Or can contact the PSNI Public Protection Unit


Tel: 101 (Ask for PPU in ‘E’ District)



In all cases of suspected child abuse, the action that will be taken in Ballyoran Primary School is that of informing Social Services and the Education Authority.  The school will NOT be involved in investigating the suspected abuse.



