We recognise and stress the importance of the learning and teaching within the classroom. Regular attendance and systematic learning go hand in hand and children whose attendance is poor will have difficulty in reaching their full potential. Children should be at school at all times unless prohibited by illness or medical appointments. Each month the School’s EWO (Educational Welfare Officer) carries out an Attendance Audit with the Principal. Pupils whose attendance falls below 85% will be identified. In this case, if there is not a genuine reason for absence, a letter will be sent out to you. If there is no improvement, a second letter will be sent out. If, after the second letter, there is still no improvement, the Principal will make a Referral to the Education Welfare Service.
Due to Department of Education Guidelines, a present mark can only be given if a pupil is in school.
Just as Attendance is important, Punctuality is also very important. School begins at 9.00am, therefore, pupils should be seated in class when the 9.00am bell rings. We would ask all parents to help ensure this is the case. If pupils are late, the class is disrupted and valuable teaching time is lost.
Please note that Pupils arriving in class after the 9.00am bell will be marked as late.
We celebrate attendance with a Monthly Class Attendance Competition in Assembly which sees Tokens, Certificates and Cups awarded to the class with the top attendance in each Key Stage. The winning class each month wins a night off homework or extra playtime.