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School Gains Silver Eco Award

Ballyoran Primary School has gained its Silver Eco-Schools Award.To achieve the award the school Eco-Committee completed an ‘Environmental Review’ of our school to see how we could make it more ‘eco-friendly’. The committee then decided on three areas to focus on; improving our school grounds, recycling and reducing the amount of energy wasted in the school. As a school we then completed various projects to address these areas. To improve our school grounds we planted flowers around the school and got our own school vegetable patch in which we have planted a variety of vegetables. To reduce the amount of energy wasted in school we made posters to encourage everyone to switch lights and computers off in their classrooms when they are not using them. Finally our school ‘Eco Day’ was very successful in promoting recycling throughout the school by re-using materials. We have also reduced the amount of paper we waste in our classrooms.

We are now looking forward to achieving our final green award. 
