Year 2 Walk to the Postbox! We wrote Christmas Cards to our family. We put a stamp on the envelope and walked to the Postbox to post our letters. When we got to the Postbox we got a big surprise. The Home Bakery had some buns for us! We really enjoyed our special treats! Thank you.
Numeracy: Marvellous Mathematicians! A super well done to all the boys and girls who were awarded bronze and silver Mathletics certificates in assembly today! Keep up the great work Year 2!
Thank you cooks for making our Christmas dinner! It was delicious!! We especially enjoyed eating our dinner with our Christmas crowns which we made🎄
Daily Mile Santa Run! Year 2 ran the Santa Daily Mile by running baton relays for 20 minutes! We competed in a race against each other at the end! We had so much fun!
Ditch the Dark Day!
Numeracy: We love playing mental maths games in Year 2! This weeks Mental Maths focus is ‘Doubles’. We had lots of fun trying to beat the teacher and each other at Hit the Button!
ICT & Literacy: Using Book Creator to address an envelope to Goldilocks. We can add text, an image, a drawing and change font, size and colour! Great work Year 2!
Science: We planted magic beans! We have been investigating what is making our beanstalk grow - water, light and warmth!
Language & Literacy: Wonderful Writing! Year 2 have been working extra hard at independent writing recently. We have been learning the story of the Jolly Postman. We pretended to be Jack on holidays and wrote a postcard to the Giant just like in the story. Fantastic sentences!
Numeracy: Money - We can make amounts of money within 20p using mixed coins - 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p! Super work Year 2!
Physical Education: Practicing our throwing and catching skills in PE. We played our favourite game ‘dodgeball’ to finish!
Helping raise money for Children in Need! We dressed up in spots and wore crazy hair! Year 2 put in a super effort. Mrs Muldrew didn’t even recognise some of the boys and girls! We really enjoyed learning about Children in Need, making Pudsey Bear crowns and raising lots of money for an important charity!
Language & Literacy: This week we have been looking at the Nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle. It was spotted in our class story, The Jolly Postman. Some boys and girls in Year 2 would like to present to you, Hey Diddle Diddle! Well done!
Numeracy: Time stations! We put what we had learnt about time to the test by playing time games at different stations.
Numeracy: We made our own clocks to help us tell the time!
We love outdoor play every Monday and Wednesday morning!
Play Based Learning: Enjoying our new topic during play, The Jolly Postman!📮✉️
Numeracy: Busy Bee’s in Year 2 today learning more about capacity in a practical way! We estimated how many cups we thought it would take to fill different sized containers. After, we used a non-standard method to count how much water filled the containers using cups. During this activity we were developing turn taking skills, listening skills, numeracy skills, literacy skills, thinking skills and personal capabilities and managing information! All whilst having fun! What a hard working class!
Numeracy: Puddle experiment fun! We had so much fun learning how to estimate what size of a puddle our bottles of water would make. Firstly, we used chalk to draw our puddle estimation outside. Next, we tested our estimation by pouring the bottle of water on the ground. Finally, we observed and recorded our findings in the classroom. We discovered the ‘bigger the bottle the bigger the puddle’ and ‘the smaller the bottle the smaller the puddle.’ Well done to Nicole, David and Cerys’ group and Kodie, Jesse and Niamh’s group who estimated correctly!
Numeracy: Wanda the Witch very kindly gave us her recipe to her magic potion! We worked as a team to read the instructions and showed excellent turn taking skills when filling up our cups of potion. We had to make sure our cups were nearly full and add the correct amount of cups to make the spooky potion! Well done!
Numeracy: Capacity! We can order amounts cups from empty to full. We used language empty, nearly empty, half-empty, half-full, nearly full and full. Well done Year 2!
Numeracy: Marvellous Measuring in Year 2! We found a tall and short object in our classroom and measured its height by using cubes. How many cubes tall is it? Is it taller or shorter? How many more cubes taller than?
Numeracy: Marvellous Measuring in Year 2! We had so much fun working as a team to put ourselves in height order. We can order ourselves from shortest to tallest!
Numeracy: Marvellous Measuring in Year 2! Weight - We estimated which object we thought was heavier/lighter and used scales to find out the correct answer. We can use language such as heavy/heavier, light/lighter and the same weight.
Numeracy: Marvellous Measuring in Year 2! Length - A mysterious letter arrived in our classroom after the half term holidays from the Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk! He challenged us to find things shorter and longer than his giant footprint!
Half-term fun: Today we enjoyed going on a Halloween scavenger hunt around our classroom and made chocolate apples with sprinkles!! Yummy! A well deserved day of fun for working so hard this term! Well done! Have a fantastic half-term break Year 2
Art & Design: Year 2’s first time using Oil Pastel and what experts they were with it! Beautiful autumn trees, inspired by the artist Kandinsky!
Outdoor Play: Fun outdoors!
Numeracy: Awesome Addition in Year 2! We can practically add within 10 using numicon, dice and rekenrek and record a number story! Super work!
Mindfulness: ‘Being in the moment, focusing on the present activity, letting go of any thoughts about the past or the future.’ We have been taking time to be mindful in Year 2. We love to do mindful breathing, colouring and especially yoga! Watch the video to see our mindfullness colouring. Such a calm and quiet class room!
Literacy & Drama: We discovered some budding actors in Year 2 this week! We acted out the story of Cinderella using puppets!
Literacy & Play Based Learning: We have been learning about the Fairy Tale, Cinderella. We carved a pumpkin and turned it into Cinderella’s sparkly carriage! Some of us found the pumpkin a bit yucky and slimy to touch!
Art & Design: Leaf rubbing using the leaves we collected on our Autumn Walk!
Autumn Fun in Year 2!
Autumn Walk: Today we went on an Autumn walk to the People’s Park! We had the best day ever! Firstly, we listened to the story called ‘The Last Leaf’ to help us think about signs of Autumn and the leaves falling off the trees. Next, we enjoyed eating our healthy snack at the picnic tables. After, we looked for orange, yellow, red and brown leaves. We also found pine cones, berries and fungi. To top the day off we finished with a visit to the play park! We had so much fun!
Numeracy: We have been showing off our addition skills this week using Rekenrek! We can record all the number bonds of 5 and make number patterns within 10! Well done Year 2!
World Mental Health Day: Year 2 classroom was very bright and beautiful today! We celebrated World Mental Health by wearing yellow and completing lots of fun activities. We talked about our feelings and Buddy told us who to speak to when we feel upset! You can tell by all the smiley faces in Year 2 we are all HAPPY!
Numeracy: We can sort 2D shapes for 3 sides and 4 sides.
Outdoor Play: We are so excited to open the digging area and mud cafe again! The welly boots and waterproofs are on and the children can’t wait to get stuck in! Year 2 are very pleased to be outside and enjoying our fantastic area, we enjoyed the mud cafe, digging area, water, climbing frame, house corner, literacy area and construction areas.
Numeracy: 2D Shape Hunt
Numeracy: Can we remember all our 2D shapes from Year 1? We guessed each 2D shape by thinking about its properties. Using the feely bag we felt how many sides and corners the shape had. We then sorted our shapes by name. Super start to 2D shape Year 2!
ICT & Numeracy: Our first iPad session! We had so much fun putting our iPad skills to the test to login to Mathletics and complete some number quizzes for the first time!
Play Based Learning: Enjoying our transport and shape play based activities this week!
Language & Literacy: Using the story ‘A Shark in the Park’ as a stimulus for our writing! Year 2 have been working super hard at writing sentences this week. Today, we described our own scary character at the park using descriptive sentences!
Physical Education: We enjoyed our Healthy Kidz session today in the sunshine! Super effort from everyone!
Play Based Learning: We’ve been having lots of fun with our transport topic during play this week!
Numeracy: We had lots of fun making number necklaces to 20! Well done!
Numeracy: Number Stations! We can form numbers to 20, order and make numicon shapes to 20 and make sets with counters to 20. What a clever bunch!
Language & Literacy: We have been using the sentence starters ‘I went to’, ‘I went with’ and ‘I played with’ to write about our weekend! Wonderful writing Year 2!
World Around Us: We have been learning all about the topic, Transport! We worked as a team to complete a Traffic Survey. We observed and recorded different types of transport driving past our school using a tally. We reported back to the class and discussed our results! It was a terrific team effort! We found out that cars were the most popular type of transport.
An exciting afternoon watching traffic!!
Numeracy: Hop on to the subtraction bus! We have been using counters, bears and a human bus to help us record subtraction sums! Jesse and Kason the bus driver’s dropped us off at lots of different stops! How many are there altogether? How many hopped off? How many are left?
Outdoor Play: We really enjoyed our first Outdoor Play session today! Can you spot the new edition to our outdoor play area? We had so much fun on our new climbing frame!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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