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Term 1a

We ended the first half term of Year 3 with yummy chocolate apples!

Year 3 were learning about different kinds of sorting diagrams. We sorted objects into Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams. We then looked at our diagrams and wrote sentences about how the objects have been sorted.

Year 3 have been busy this week learning all about place value. We learnt about tens and units and used our learning today to show the tens and units in numbers using lots of different numeracy resources.

This week we were focusing on writing instructions for top hat buns. We wrote our instructions, made our buns, ate our buns and we have now started to make our on ebook on book creator showing how to make our yummy top hat buns. The sun was shining so we ate our top hat buns outside our classroom!

Over the last two weeks we have been focusing on non fiction texts and instructions. First we sequenced pictures for making fairy bread. Then we ordered and wrote our instructions and today we had the best part- making the fairy bread! We carefully followed our instructions and then we all got to eat our fairy bread. What fun!

We had our first afternoon of activity based learning on Thursday. It was based on our World Around Us topic ‘Houses and Homes’.

First two days in Year 3!