Year 3 have been working very hard on their independent writing this term and this week we focused on using adjectives in our writing. We have been looking at the story ‘Cookie’s Christmas Invention’ and part of our story takes place in Santa’s workshop. The boys and girl used lots of exciting adjectives to describe Santa’s workshop. Have a read at their writing in the pictures below.
Today we had Bea in from Sentinus to do our ‘Three Little Builders’ workshop linked to our World Around Us topic ‘House and Homes’. We took on the role of builders/ engineers and had to use different materials to build the three types of houses for the three little pigs. Take a look at all the fun we had!
We had an exciting day in Year 3 with our Daily Mile Santa Run and our Christmas Dinner.
Over the last four weeks we have had Chris in from Young Enterprise. We completed sessions based on our family, jobs, needs and wants. We all got a certificate at the end.
Year 3 have been learning all about poems and this week it was about alliteration. We used alliteration to make our own ‘Wonderful Winter’ poems.
We have started our new topic of fractions this week. We made it fun and interactive by using pancakes and play dough to create halves and quarters.
For the months of November and December it was Year 3’s turn to decorate a display in the assembly hall. The boys and girls created the most beautiful Winter Wonderland art.
Year 3 have been doing lots of work on poems. This week, we were reciting a poem with a partner or in a group.
We had our first literacy activity based learning lesson. We had 5 different stages where we had to write about a picture using adjectives, race our friends to sound out words, find high frequency words on a word search, use colourful pens to write our spellings and unjumble sentences. We had great fun!