The class were learning how to identify acute, obtuse and right-angles. They had to follow a path of fifty angles and write down the type of angle of each.
Year 6 discovered how to express emotions through dancing. They also learnt how to move around a space with awareness and follow a beat.
A better look at all the amazing costumes from our class.
The whole school gathered in the Assembly Hall to showcase their amazing World Book Day costumes. It was followed by a parade around the Playground!
During Relax Kids, Year 6 have learnt about their brains and how to identify our feelings. They have also developed skills to relax their minds if they are feeling anxious or worried. And of course had lots of fun in the process!
This term the ‘The World Around Us’ topic has been all about Europe. The class researched a European landmark and painted a beautiful picture to accompany a paragraph about their chosen landmark.