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Year 5B

On Thursday we spent the day taking part in the Young Enterprise programme called Our City. We looked at what a city is, the different areas that make up a city and we created our own businesses.

To begin learning about tessellation we got into groups and each group got a different shape which we used to explore which 2D shapes can or cannot tessellate.

We went outside for our numeracy lesson to create tangrams using a mixture of 2D shapes.

To begin our new WAU topic of Egyptians we went outside and ordered events on a timeline.

In school today we dressed up in spotty clothes and helped raise money to support the charity 'Children in Need'.

We started our new World Around Us topic 'Change' by going outside and finding 'change' around our school.

Today (Wednesday 16th September 2020) we started back into Healthy Kidz with Coach Conor and it was SUPER fun!

This week (Friday 11th September 2020) our class took the school weekly zoom assembly. Our assembly was called 'Colour Our School with Kindness' which focused on the importance of spreading kindness in our school.

Welcome to Year 5B!
