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Year 5Mc

Congratulations to our 2020/21 Year 5 Prize winners.

Year 5Mc enjoyed designing their own Egyptian masks.

We are loving our new topic on The Ancient Egyptians. We stained our paper and used hieroglyphics to make a Cartouche.

Connor from Healthy Kidz keeps us fit every Thursday. Today we had great fun playing some Christmas themed games. Look out for Santa and the Grinch.

Year 5 have been very creative this week.

We wore our Christmas jumpers to raise money for 'Save the Children' charity. Look at the beautiful Christmas decorations we made.

We followed a recipe and made buns!

Children in Need with Joe Wicks.

Year 5Mc enjoyed celebrating European Language Day. We found out some interesting facts about language, used our own language skills to teach each other and learned some sign language.

Year 5Mc enjoy moving and balancing in P.E.
