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Year 5McK

We took part in Red Nose Day for Comic Relief 2017. We had a non-uniform 'Wear Red' day and bought Red Noses to help raise lots of money for this special charity.

Our Class

Our friends from Bocombra Primary School came to our school today for our second Shared Education session. Our topic is 'Money' and today we were discussing the different ways that money is represented and accessed.

We enjoyed a visit from the Dairy Council. We had fun learning about the importance of leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

We used geoboards to investigate right angles in 2D shapes.

We used the Bee Bot when we were investigating 1/4, 1/2 and whole turns to establish the relationship with right angles.

Pancake Tuesday in Year 5.

Enjoying our 'Healthy Kids' sessions! We've been trying hard to improve our speed, strength and agility.

Year 5 participated in the Young Enterprise programme ‘Our City’. The pupils had great fun finding out about the people, the jobs and the businesses that make up a modern city and surrounding areas. The pupils were able to plan, design and construct their own city as part of a team.

We played a game to practise rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. We were very good!

Our WAU topic for this term is 'Water'. We had fun learning all about 'The Water Cycle' today and helped Miss McKernan to label our display.

Practical Processes in Year 5.

In Literacy, we are learning about a range of genres including: Historical, Science Fiction, Classic Fiction, Horror, Romance and Adventure/Mystery. Our focus is Science Fiction so we watched short clips of Astro Boy and ET to find out what Sci-Fi stories are like.

We have been estimating and measuring in Numeracy.

We learned how to make Tangrams in Numeracy. A Tangram is a Chinese puzzle using seven shapes.

Enjoying our delicious Christmas dinner with all the trimmings!

We dressed up in spots and donated money to support Children in Need for 'The Big Spotacular'. We had lots of fun and raised lots of money!

We have been learning how to write a set of clear instructions in Literacy. We decided to write ours on how to make Rice Krispie buns as some of our class made them at Cookery club and were able to tell us how they were made. They were delicious!

We have been learning how to use a Venn diagram to sort information using two criteria.

We had some firefighters from Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service visit us today. They talked to us about the importance of fire safety. We all received a Safety Team pack which is filled with fun activities to help us learn about keeping safe.

We carried out an experiment to investigate how different handling conditions affect the growth of mould on bread. We discussed fair testing and made some predictions. Results to follow!

We had fun learning how to blend oil pastels to create these beautiful Blazing Banyan Trees.

We are learning about Weight and Capacity in Numeracy.

We explored the work of Wassily Kandinsky and created our own Kandinsky-inspired trees.

Our topic in Art is 'Trees'. We used magnifying glasses to look at the patterns on twigs, barks and logs before recording our observations.
