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Yr 1

We had a tasty bear themed snack today as a special treat for being such brilliant boys and girls, working hard and behaving so well on our trip this week. The owner of PlayAway even sent Mrs Biggerstaff a special message to say how lovely we all were. 😀

We’re going on a Bear Hunt! We went on a bear hunt to look for some missing Teddy Bears. We found 7 different bears hiding in classrooms and outside!

Our Trip to PlayAway. We had a lovely morning learning and playing together with lots of space themed toys at PlayAway.

We have been reading Goldilocks and the 3 bears. We have been taking part in lots of activities based around the story through Literacy and Play. We even made our own porridge just like the bears!

We had lots of fun at our Christmas party today. We even had a special visitor!

Today we went on an adventure to the North Pole to build a snowman... we had to rush but we just about made it back for hometime! 😀☃️❄️

Today we had a special treat for doing so well in our Christmas show. We had ‘mixed up Monday’ and got to play in the Year 1 and 2 classrooms and with our friends in Year 2. We had lots of fun!

Christmas with the Aliens

Christmas Fun in Year 1!

We have been writing our Santa letters. Look at our lovely writing and drawing. We done so well! 🎅

Santa Dash and Christmas Dinner in Year 1 🎄🎅🤶

We really enjoyed our magic show this morning with Paul the magician.

Do you recognise any of these cheeky little elves? 🙂🎄

Well done to Year 1 filling all their buckets with kindness last week. It was lovely to read all the kind things you done at home. We also filled our class bucket with lots of kind gestures in school 🙂 Keep up the kindness Year 1. In a world where you can be anything... always be kind! 😍

A great day in Year 1 raising money for Children In Need!

This month in music and ICT we have been learning the names and sounds of different musical instruments. We enjoyed exploring and playing with them. For our ICT task we then created a sound story. We used musical instruments to create the different sounds in our ‘Hairy scary castle’. We learned how to record our story together and enjoyed listening to it with our class.

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The boys and girls in Year 1 enjoyed their outdoor play this morning.

Halloween fun in Year 1!

We had a great time completing our sponsored Autumn walk this morning. We walked all the way to the park, then warmed up with some exercises before completing our big walk around the Park. Then we had some treats and found some Autumn leaves to take back to school. We are looking forward to using all the money raised to buy our new Mud Kitchen!

We had a fantastic fun day today celebrating the Sam Maguire cup coming to Ballyoran Primary School!

Today the Year 1 children went on a triangle hunt and created triangle trees with all the triangles they found.

September displays

This week we have been learning about the number 1 and the letter sound S!

Portadown Men’s Shed group made us this exciting Target game for our playground. We are having lots of fun with it already!

Stay and Play. Thank you to all who attended our Stay and Play session this morning. We had a lovely morning together and the children really enjoyed it!

This week we have been sorting objects in Numeracy, having fun in our mud kitchen and we enjoyed our first PE session with our coach from Healthy kids.

Today we had fun exercising our fingers and hands in our fine motor skills circuit. All our activities help develop the muscles in our fingers and get us ready to use our pencils and learn to write.

We have been having lots of fun learning and playing outside.

Our First Week in Year 1. We have had a fantastic first week together. We have been learning to sit at our desk, practising our listening skills, learning how to use our pencils and whiteboards and playing nicely together with all our new toys. We are all SUPERSTARS!

Our class

We had lots of fun on our first day of school

Where’s my peg

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